Spotkanie międzykulturowe

"Bo to uważne słuchanie i chęć wysłuchania drugiej osoby są podstawą zrozumienia i tolerancji".

liang nicole

Ostatni  tydzień  kwietnia został zwieńczony wizytą w naszej szkole studentek w ramach programu AIESEC. Nicole z Kanady  oraz  Liang z Singapuru przeprowadziły fascynujący cykl zajęć w języku angielskim dla uczniów klas dwujęzycznych. Poznaliśmy nie tylko historię i kulturę wspomnianych krain, ale także ciekawostki związane z życiem codziennym. Oto refleksje uczniów gimnazjum ze spotkania:

Recently our school was visited by two friendly students- Nicole from Canada and Liang from Singapore. We had lessons with them everyday! They taught us a lot about their countries and the cities they live in. We learnt about their culture, traditional dishes, national animals, they even taught us how to play games that they have back home. I personally think that their visit was marvellous and I would really like to visit Canada and Singapore in the future. I am really happy that I could meet them and I hope that more student will visit our school!

Zosia Nowotarska- 1 Gim

   Last month our school was lucky to meet two students from overseas and learn about their countries.

The first lady was Nicole Chan from Canada. She showed us a presentation, mentioned interesting facts and told us how close to nature and animals, people live in her country. Afterwards she held a quiz about Canada and the prizes were delicious, maple syrup cookies!

The next student was Hon Liang Yi from Singapore. Everyone was amazed hearing about `Singlish’ – a compaction of English and Chinese. She also told us about traditions in Singapore, like leaving tissues on the table you want to sit and eat your dinner. To end our lessons Hon showed us an amusing video.

To sum up, I think that projects like these are very useful and all students enjoy them. We can learn about different countries and meet friendly people. I hope there’s more to come!

Ania Szulc- 1 Gim